
How to tell if a resume is AI generated

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How to Spot an AI-Generated Resume: A Guide for Recruiters and Employers

In today’s digital age, artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized many aspects of our lives, including the job application process. With the rise of AI resume builders, it’s becoming increasingly challenging for recruiters and employers to distinguish between human-written and AI-generated resumes. This guide will help you identify AI-created resumes and ensure you’re selecting the best candidates for your organization.

The Rise of AI Resume Builders

AI resume builders have gained popularity due to their ability to quickly create polished, professional-looking resumes. These tools use natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate content based on user input. While they can be helpful for job seekers, they also present challenges for recruiters who need to assess candidates’ genuine skills and experiences.

Key Indicators of an AI-Generated Resume

1. Overly Perfect Formatting

AI-generated resumes often have flawless formatting, with consistent spacing, alignment, and font usage throughout. While this may seem appealing, it can be a red flag if the resume looks too perfect.

2. Generic Language and Phrases

AI tends to use common phrases and industry jargon that may not reflect a candidate’s unique voice or experiences. Look for repetitive or overly generic descriptions of skills and achievements.

3. Lack of Personal Touch

Human-written resumes often include personal anecdotes or specific details that showcase an individual’s personality. AI-generated resumes may lack this personal touch, focusing solely on professional accomplishments.

4. Inconsistent Career Progression

AI may struggle to create a coherent career narrative, resulting in job titles or responsibilities that don’t align logically with a candidate’s career progression.

5. Unusual Word Choices

While AI has improved significantly, it may still use words or phrases that sound slightly off or unnatural to a human reader.

How to Verify the Authenticity of a Resume

  1. Ask for portfolio samples: Request additional work samples or portfolio pieces to verify the candidate’s skills and experience.

  2. Conduct phone screenings: A brief phone conversation can help you gauge a candidate’s communication skills and knowledge of their resume content.

  3. Use behavioral interview questions: During interviews, ask specific questions about experiences mentioned in the resume to assess the candidate’s ability to provide detailed responses.

  4. Check references: Speaking with former employers or colleagues can provide valuable insights into a candidate’s actual experiences and skills.

  5. Implement skills assessments: Incorporate relevant skills tests or assignments into your hiring process to evaluate candidates’ practical abilities.

The Ethical Use of AI Resume Builders

While it’s important to identify AI-generated resumes, it’s equally crucial to recognize that some candidates may use AI resume builders ethically to enhance their applications. These tools can help job seekers present their qualifications more effectively, especially those who struggle with resume writing.

As an employer, consider focusing on the content and qualifications rather than solely on the method of resume creation. The key is to ensure that the information provided is accurate and reflective of the candidate’s true abilities.


As AI technology continues to advance, the line between human-written and AI-generated content will become increasingly blurred. By familiarizing yourself with the signs of AI-generated resumes and implementing thorough verification processes, you can ensure that you’re selecting the most qualified candidates for your organization.

Remember, while AI resume builders can be useful tools for job seekers, nothing can replace the value of genuine human experience and skills. By staying vigilant and adapting your hiring processes, you can navigate the evolving landscape of AI in recruitment effectively.

Call-to-Action: Are you looking to streamline your resume creation process while maintaining authenticity? Check out our AI resume builder tool, designed to enhance your resume while preserving your unique voice and experiences. Learn more about our AI resume builder here.

Meta Description: Learn how to identify AI-generated resumes and ensure you’re selecting the best candidates for your organization. Discover key indicators and verification techniques.

Alt text for header image: A recruiter examining a resume with a magnifying glass, symbolizing the process of spotting AI-generated content.

Internal link: How to Write an Effective Job Description Internal link: Top Interview Techniques for Hiring Managers

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